Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Make an eBook Into An eCourse

Have you ever thought about how to make an eBook into an eCourse? Like most repurposing, it's actually quite easy to do. It's simply a case of presenting the same material in a slightly different way; a way that is more attractive to the audience that uses it. Let's review the steps for creating an eCourse.

The first thing you need to do is to decide who your audience will be. By that, I mean that you have to distinguish between what those who take an eCourse expect from those who would read an eBook. You can ask yourself the same question: "What differences would I expect there to be between the two?"

One difference might be the an eBook in most cases provides information only; whereas an eCourse may provide worksheets and exercises. The worksheets would enable the person using the eCourse to record some structured notes. The exercises would provide the opportunity to put whatever was learned into practice.

The second thing you would want to do would be to create those worksheets. What worksheets do you think would be the most helpful to someone using the material?

You could create a cheat sheet. You'll find that different people mean different things when they talk about cheat sheets. For myself, I prefer to create a page with blanks on it that create a summary of the material. For example, if there are five characteristics that I want someone to remember, then I provide a place where all of them can be written down together.

This is quite different from the way that others create cheat sheets. For them, the blanks in the worksheet are chronological. In other words, there may be several other things that need to be recorded in between the main points.

Personally, I find this approach rather frustrating. To me, a summary of the concepts is a more useful tool; and that's what a worksheet is for: it's a place to group common ideas.

The third thing you might want to include in an eCourse are some exercises. This will require some creativity on your part, much more than simply creating the eBook, or the eCourse. Exercises are the place for users to put into practice what they've learned.

If I was going to create some homework for this article, then I might ask you to look at an eBook you had written, and then to decide what you wanted people to be able to do as a result of reading it.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Why Should You Create Your Own Information Products?

Those who are just starting their own online businesses face a dilemma: Do they create their own products, or do they sell someone else's. Both of those approaches have pros and cons; but, in this article, I'd like to share with you five reasons why you ought to create them yourself.

1. You get to keep all of your income.

Although you carry all of the responsibility for making the products, you also get to reap all of the rewards. Affiliate programs are designed to generate large lists for those who created the products. That means that while you may get a 100% commission, chances are that the product itself won't be worth more than a few hundred dollars. You'll never get the chance to sell the most successful high-ticket items.

Not only that, but the most successful online business people create their own products. They only outsource those activities that cost money.

2. You have complete control over the content.

When you create your own products, you also can make sure that they contain what you want them to, and leave out the fluff that annoys you so much about the products of others.

3. You'll have full faith in what you sell.

This sounds obvious, I know. But, if you're selling someone else's product, unless you have an intimate knowledge of it, it's unlikely that you will feel as comfortable promoting it as you will marketing your own.

4. You don't have to buy it.

Again, this seems obvious, but let me ask you this: How can you fully endorse someone else's product without trying it and becoming thoroughly familiar with it first? Not only is this time consuming, it's also expensive. Wouldn't you rather spend that time creating your own?

5. You can give your prospects and customers exactly what they want.

Every product you create can be tailor-made for the needs of those with whom you regularly communicate.

But, when you sell someone else's product, you have to make the most of the limitations and foibles of that it has. At best, you can only apologize for any problems that arise.

If it's your own, you can take responsibly for the glitch and work on it directly to find an amicable solution for both you and your customer.

The risk of having to apologize for a non-functioning product is much higher if you're selling another's, than if you made it.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Seven Easy Ways to Create Online Courses

An online course is a series of educational e-mail messages sent to subscribers. Adding an online course to your existing programs can have benefits for audiences, your client and you. Even better, you might be able to create your course easily from existing material. Here are seven easy ways you could do that.

1. Convert a workbook

If your training program or seminar already has a detailed handout or workbook, consider delivering it as an online course (instead of giving it out to attendees at the workshop itself). The material is already highly relevant to the program, so it's the perfect fit for a follow-up course after the live workshop.

Of course, this might mean you have to provide a different handout at the workshop, but that could be just a cut-down version of the full handout - which is easy to create. Alternatively, you might decide you don't need a handout at all for the live workshop, and simply deliver it as an online course later.

2. Summarise book chapters

If you have put the work into writing a book, you have thought about organising your material logically and delivering it in an appropriate sequence. So it's easy to create an online course that delivers the material in those same sections and sequence. Of course, you won't deliver the entire book chapter by chapter, but you can deliver a summary of each chapter in each course module.

3. Extract articles from a book

In the previous example, your course provides just an overview of your book. You can change this slightly - and deliver more value - by sending more detailed material in each module. All you have to do is identify chunks of the book you can extract as individual articles, and then send these articles as an online course.

4. Collate related articles

You can also take the previous idea and do it the other way around: Rather than extracting articles from a book, you collect articles you've previously written, collate them in an appropriate sequence, and deliver them as an online course.

If you publish a regular newsletter or blog, this will be extremely easy to do. It's even easier if you have been tagging your blog posts as you publish them, because it's easy to see everything you have written on each topic. Simply look through the list, identify some that could be included in your course, and you've done 90% of the work!

5. Convert a list of bullet points

In all of the previous ideas, you provide substantial material (at least 300-400 words) in each course module. But there's no reason your material has to be so long and detailed. Sometimes your course participants will appreciate receiving a shorter message, especially if it's still relevant and practical.

Look for a list of things you teach and consider whether you can deliver each item in the list as a module (You might have to expand each list item into a paragraph or two, but not much more than that). For example, if you have written "The Top 10 Tips for Running Better Meetings", each of those tips can be a course module.

6. Choose inspirational quotations

Another easy way to create an online course is by sending an inspirational or motivational quotation in each course module. Although some people might think this is a waste of space (and I certainly don't like people who overdo this on Twitter or Facebook!), many people do like receiving a daily, weekly or monthly dose of inspiration. So collect relevant quotations and send them in a regular online course.

7. Use other people's material

Finally, keep in mind that you don't always have to provide your own material in your online courses. Just because it isn't your own material doesn't reduce its value. Your course participants will still value the fact you've sifted through the material and hand-picked what is most relevant for them.

Just be sure you have permission to use that material. If you are just linking to that material on a public Web page, you don't need to ask for permission. But if you're including any of the material directly in your course modules, be sure you have the copyright owner's written permission to do so.

For example, one of the easiest ways to create a high-content online course is by finding a series of relevant videos from YouTube or, and simply using them as your course material. In each course module, you just link to the video, and add a paragraph or two explaining why it's relevant for your participants.

Which of these could work for you?

Not all of these ideas will work for everybody, but I'm sure you can find some that will work for you.

In all these cases, you're duplicating material that has already been published. But don't ignore these ideas for that reason alone. Some of your course participants need to get the material delivered to them at intervals, and will appreciate you putting the thought into delivering it this way.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

How To Deliver Your Digital Product

When you create a product of your very own, you can do the work once and get paid over and over again. For example, what if you knew a way to play the guitar, you could teach people one on one day in and day out the same steps the same process to learning the guitar, or you could record a video or even an audio of you explaining to someone the steps it takes to learn a guitar.

What's great about that is you have created that information once but now anytime someone wants to learn to play the guitar, they can pay you money and get their product anytime of the day without you having to do any extra work, and you can deliver this digital product with a physical bonus by placing a download page online, by putting an auto-responder form on the download page, and even moving it into a membership site.

When I first started selling information, I immediately thought that I should print out any written reports and then burn any videos to a DVD. You know it sounds tempting, it's a really bad idea, because it means that it requires you to take some kind of physical action and put in some kind of physical cost - the DVD and the shipping and it means that anyone who buys from you does not receive their product instantly.

Instead of selling your product physically, you should put it online and it's very easy to do.

What you do is save your video or written report and put it online, upload it using a service called FTP to your web host and then create an HTML file that has a hyperlink to that PDF document. What happens is, someone pays you money, they are sent to that download page, and then there is a link to grab that PDF file.

Then what you can do is also sign up for what's called an email auto-responder service. What they will do is give you some copy and paste code you can put right on that download page, so that when someone pays you money and buys from you they cannot only download their report but they also sign up below the download link for updates. And if you have anything else for sale in the future, you can send them emails as well.

What you should consider in the future is finally putting it all inside of a membership site. For me a membership site is just a WordPress blog with a password behind it, and someone needs to pay money in order to get that password. Once they have access, now they cannot only get your download link but they can read any other content written or video you choose to add to that protected WordPress blog. And depending on how you set it up they can even leave comments or post in your private forum and discuss things like the guitar, like techniques, like songs with other enthusiasts who have also paid you money to get access to this download and this community.

There are many ways to deliver digital products, you can have physical components which you should not do at first, a download page which is the easiest, an auto-responder which you can use to send additional offers, and finally a membership site where you can provide your buyers with a full community.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Want To Create Your First Digital Information Product Quickly And Easily? Try A Resource Report

A resource report is a list of resources that you use to get tasks done in your business. The items that are included depend on the niche that you're marketing. For example, if you are an internet marketer who specializes in SEO, this list may include various article directory websites, social bookmarking sites, etc that you submit content to in order to create back links to your main website to boost search engine rankings. It may also include links to software that you use to automate some of this process. Just make sure that you keep the resources congruent with your niche.

Of course, you'll want to put affiliate links in your resource report whenever possible. This will add extra profits to you every time someone downloads your resource report. You will only want to include affiliate links to products and services that you have personally used to build your business. Otherwise, you run the risk of recommending less than optimal products to your customers. This really kills your credibility. Imagine that I recommend a product to you. You value my opinion as an expert in your niche so you go buy it. You try out the product and it is no good. What do you think of me at this point? I think you know the answer. Any credibility and trust you have created with this person is gone with the wind.

So, why should I use a resource report for my digital information product?

First of all, they are very fast and easy to create. You can literally have one done in just a couple of hours. Resource Reports add instant credibility to you as an "expert" in your niche. Just remember that whatever tools you recommend must be high quality and useful. And remember as a digital information product there is no associated production cost involved. You create one report and you can sell it as many times as you want.

How can I make money with my Resource Report?

Well, you can simply sell it outright on your website. Resource reports make great lead magnets to help build your email lists. They are perceived high in value, because the save people valuable time in buying and trying out different tools to get their jobs done. With the report they can just go buy your recommended products and start accomplishing the tasks they need to get done to achieve their business objectives.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Entice Mobile Users to Download Your iPhone Applications

With huge popularity of iPhone devices, many businesses have started using iPhone application development services to engage maximum iPhone users. The massive response of users to download applications has increased the demand of iPhone app development companies that can develop new, interactive and innovative applications.

The businesses are ready to make huge investments on iPhone applications so as to maximize their market reach. However, it is important to consider that your newly launched applications are able to serve their purpose well. When you hire an iPhone application developer for mobile application development solutions, you must ensure that they have potential to make your app a success in the industry.

When more number of users download your applications, you increase the chances of user engagement and also generate revenue from your applications. Therefore, you must ensure that the iPhone developers use the following tips that can increase the percentage of iPhone app downloads by users:

1. The developer must target the audience in an impactful manner so that the users can relate their needs with the application. When there will be a strong connection, the users wouldn't hesitate in downloading your application. 2. The application must have an attractive heading, title and description that can grab the attention of iPhone users. The developer should use those words that best defines the functionality and purpose of the app. 3. They can incorporate relevant videos and images with the description to ensure that the important information is not left out by the potential users. 4. The developer must ensure that the app is in accordance with the guidelines of iTunes store before its submission. Once it goes on the iTunes store and has an attractive description, it automatically increases its chances of higher downloads.

Every newly launched mobile development solution requires promotion for higher success rate. However, if the developer has worked sincerely on the applications' functionality and presentation, it will multiply the chances of higher acceptance in the competitive environment.

Once you are sure that the application has an attractive charm and impressive features, you can plan out an effective marketing strategy to promote it. You can also use social media platforms to create a social connection with the end users to generate interest among like-minded people.

If you have similar requirement to develop an app for iPhone, you can also contact a mobile application development company for hiring experienced iPhone application developers.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

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