Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Make an eBook Into An eCourse

Have you ever thought about how to make an eBook into an eCourse? Like most repurposing, it's actually quite easy to do. It's simply a case of presenting the same material in a slightly different way; a way that is more attractive to the audience that uses it. Let's review the steps for creating an eCourse.

The first thing you need to do is to decide who your audience will be. By that, I mean that you have to distinguish between what those who take an eCourse expect from those who would read an eBook. You can ask yourself the same question: "What differences would I expect there to be between the two?"

One difference might be the an eBook in most cases provides information only; whereas an eCourse may provide worksheets and exercises. The worksheets would enable the person using the eCourse to record some structured notes. The exercises would provide the opportunity to put whatever was learned into practice.

The second thing you would want to do would be to create those worksheets. What worksheets do you think would be the most helpful to someone using the material?

You could create a cheat sheet. You'll find that different people mean different things when they talk about cheat sheets. For myself, I prefer to create a page with blanks on it that create a summary of the material. For example, if there are five characteristics that I want someone to remember, then I provide a place where all of them can be written down together.

This is quite different from the way that others create cheat sheets. For them, the blanks in the worksheet are chronological. In other words, there may be several other things that need to be recorded in between the main points.

Personally, I find this approach rather frustrating. To me, a summary of the concepts is a more useful tool; and that's what a worksheet is for: it's a place to group common ideas.

The third thing you might want to include in an eCourse are some exercises. This will require some creativity on your part, much more than simply creating the eBook, or the eCourse. Exercises are the place for users to put into practice what they've learned.

If I was going to create some homework for this article, then I might ask you to look at an eBook you had written, and then to decide what you wanted people to be able to do as a result of reading it.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Why Should You Create Your Own Information Products?

Those who are just starting their own online businesses face a dilemma: Do they create their own products, or do they sell someone else's. Both of those approaches have pros and cons; but, in this article, I'd like to share with you five reasons why you ought to create them yourself.

1. You get to keep all of your income.

Although you carry all of the responsibility for making the products, you also get to reap all of the rewards. Affiliate programs are designed to generate large lists for those who created the products. That means that while you may get a 100% commission, chances are that the product itself won't be worth more than a few hundred dollars. You'll never get the chance to sell the most successful high-ticket items.

Not only that, but the most successful online business people create their own products. They only outsource those activities that cost money.

2. You have complete control over the content.

When you create your own products, you also can make sure that they contain what you want them to, and leave out the fluff that annoys you so much about the products of others.

3. You'll have full faith in what you sell.

This sounds obvious, I know. But, if you're selling someone else's product, unless you have an intimate knowledge of it, it's unlikely that you will feel as comfortable promoting it as you will marketing your own.

4. You don't have to buy it.

Again, this seems obvious, but let me ask you this: How can you fully endorse someone else's product without trying it and becoming thoroughly familiar with it first? Not only is this time consuming, it's also expensive. Wouldn't you rather spend that time creating your own?

5. You can give your prospects and customers exactly what they want.

Every product you create can be tailor-made for the needs of those with whom you regularly communicate.

But, when you sell someone else's product, you have to make the most of the limitations and foibles of that it has. At best, you can only apologize for any problems that arise.

If it's your own, you can take responsibly for the glitch and work on it directly to find an amicable solution for both you and your customer.

The risk of having to apologize for a non-functioning product is much higher if you're selling another's, than if you made it.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Seven Easy Ways to Create Online Courses

An online course is a series of educational e-mail messages sent to subscribers. Adding an online course to your existing programs can have benefits for audiences, your client and you. Even better, you might be able to create your course easily from existing material. Here are seven easy ways you could do that.

1. Convert a workbook

If your training program or seminar already has a detailed handout or workbook, consider delivering it as an online course (instead of giving it out to attendees at the workshop itself). The material is already highly relevant to the program, so it's the perfect fit for a follow-up course after the live workshop.

Of course, this might mean you have to provide a different handout at the workshop, but that could be just a cut-down version of the full handout - which is easy to create. Alternatively, you might decide you don't need a handout at all for the live workshop, and simply deliver it as an online course later.

2. Summarise book chapters

If you have put the work into writing a book, you have thought about organising your material logically and delivering it in an appropriate sequence. So it's easy to create an online course that delivers the material in those same sections and sequence. Of course, you won't deliver the entire book chapter by chapter, but you can deliver a summary of each chapter in each course module.

3. Extract articles from a book

In the previous example, your course provides just an overview of your book. You can change this slightly - and deliver more value - by sending more detailed material in each module. All you have to do is identify chunks of the book you can extract as individual articles, and then send these articles as an online course.

4. Collate related articles

You can also take the previous idea and do it the other way around: Rather than extracting articles from a book, you collect articles you've previously written, collate them in an appropriate sequence, and deliver them as an online course.

If you publish a regular newsletter or blog, this will be extremely easy to do. It's even easier if you have been tagging your blog posts as you publish them, because it's easy to see everything you have written on each topic. Simply look through the list, identify some that could be included in your course, and you've done 90% of the work!

5. Convert a list of bullet points

In all of the previous ideas, you provide substantial material (at least 300-400 words) in each course module. But there's no reason your material has to be so long and detailed. Sometimes your course participants will appreciate receiving a shorter message, especially if it's still relevant and practical.

Look for a list of things you teach and consider whether you can deliver each item in the list as a module (You might have to expand each list item into a paragraph or two, but not much more than that). For example, if you have written "The Top 10 Tips for Running Better Meetings", each of those tips can be a course module.

6. Choose inspirational quotations

Another easy way to create an online course is by sending an inspirational or motivational quotation in each course module. Although some people might think this is a waste of space (and I certainly don't like people who overdo this on Twitter or Facebook!), many people do like receiving a daily, weekly or monthly dose of inspiration. So collect relevant quotations and send them in a regular online course.

7. Use other people's material

Finally, keep in mind that you don't always have to provide your own material in your online courses. Just because it isn't your own material doesn't reduce its value. Your course participants will still value the fact you've sifted through the material and hand-picked what is most relevant for them.

Just be sure you have permission to use that material. If you are just linking to that material on a public Web page, you don't need to ask for permission. But if you're including any of the material directly in your course modules, be sure you have the copyright owner's written permission to do so.

For example, one of the easiest ways to create a high-content online course is by finding a series of relevant videos from YouTube or, and simply using them as your course material. In each course module, you just link to the video, and add a paragraph or two explaining why it's relevant for your participants.

Which of these could work for you?

Not all of these ideas will work for everybody, but I'm sure you can find some that will work for you.

In all these cases, you're duplicating material that has already been published. But don't ignore these ideas for that reason alone. Some of your course participants need to get the material delivered to them at intervals, and will appreciate you putting the thought into delivering it this way.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

How To Deliver Your Digital Product

When you create a product of your very own, you can do the work once and get paid over and over again. For example, what if you knew a way to play the guitar, you could teach people one on one day in and day out the same steps the same process to learning the guitar, or you could record a video or even an audio of you explaining to someone the steps it takes to learn a guitar.

What's great about that is you have created that information once but now anytime someone wants to learn to play the guitar, they can pay you money and get their product anytime of the day without you having to do any extra work, and you can deliver this digital product with a physical bonus by placing a download page online, by putting an auto-responder form on the download page, and even moving it into a membership site.

When I first started selling information, I immediately thought that I should print out any written reports and then burn any videos to a DVD. You know it sounds tempting, it's a really bad idea, because it means that it requires you to take some kind of physical action and put in some kind of physical cost - the DVD and the shipping and it means that anyone who buys from you does not receive their product instantly.

Instead of selling your product physically, you should put it online and it's very easy to do.

What you do is save your video or written report and put it online, upload it using a service called FTP to your web host and then create an HTML file that has a hyperlink to that PDF document. What happens is, someone pays you money, they are sent to that download page, and then there is a link to grab that PDF file.

Then what you can do is also sign up for what's called an email auto-responder service. What they will do is give you some copy and paste code you can put right on that download page, so that when someone pays you money and buys from you they cannot only download their report but they also sign up below the download link for updates. And if you have anything else for sale in the future, you can send them emails as well.

What you should consider in the future is finally putting it all inside of a membership site. For me a membership site is just a WordPress blog with a password behind it, and someone needs to pay money in order to get that password. Once they have access, now they cannot only get your download link but they can read any other content written or video you choose to add to that protected WordPress blog. And depending on how you set it up they can even leave comments or post in your private forum and discuss things like the guitar, like techniques, like songs with other enthusiasts who have also paid you money to get access to this download and this community.

There are many ways to deliver digital products, you can have physical components which you should not do at first, a download page which is the easiest, an auto-responder which you can use to send additional offers, and finally a membership site where you can provide your buyers with a full community.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Want To Create Your First Digital Information Product Quickly And Easily? Try A Resource Report

A resource report is a list of resources that you use to get tasks done in your business. The items that are included depend on the niche that you're marketing. For example, if you are an internet marketer who specializes in SEO, this list may include various article directory websites, social bookmarking sites, etc that you submit content to in order to create back links to your main website to boost search engine rankings. It may also include links to software that you use to automate some of this process. Just make sure that you keep the resources congruent with your niche.

Of course, you'll want to put affiliate links in your resource report whenever possible. This will add extra profits to you every time someone downloads your resource report. You will only want to include affiliate links to products and services that you have personally used to build your business. Otherwise, you run the risk of recommending less than optimal products to your customers. This really kills your credibility. Imagine that I recommend a product to you. You value my opinion as an expert in your niche so you go buy it. You try out the product and it is no good. What do you think of me at this point? I think you know the answer. Any credibility and trust you have created with this person is gone with the wind.

So, why should I use a resource report for my digital information product?

First of all, they are very fast and easy to create. You can literally have one done in just a couple of hours. Resource Reports add instant credibility to you as an "expert" in your niche. Just remember that whatever tools you recommend must be high quality and useful. And remember as a digital information product there is no associated production cost involved. You create one report and you can sell it as many times as you want.

How can I make money with my Resource Report?

Well, you can simply sell it outright on your website. Resource reports make great lead magnets to help build your email lists. They are perceived high in value, because the save people valuable time in buying and trying out different tools to get their jobs done. With the report they can just go buy your recommended products and start accomplishing the tasks they need to get done to achieve their business objectives.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Entice Mobile Users to Download Your iPhone Applications

With huge popularity of iPhone devices, many businesses have started using iPhone application development services to engage maximum iPhone users. The massive response of users to download applications has increased the demand of iPhone app development companies that can develop new, interactive and innovative applications.

The businesses are ready to make huge investments on iPhone applications so as to maximize their market reach. However, it is important to consider that your newly launched applications are able to serve their purpose well. When you hire an iPhone application developer for mobile application development solutions, you must ensure that they have potential to make your app a success in the industry.

When more number of users download your applications, you increase the chances of user engagement and also generate revenue from your applications. Therefore, you must ensure that the iPhone developers use the following tips that can increase the percentage of iPhone app downloads by users:

1. The developer must target the audience in an impactful manner so that the users can relate their needs with the application. When there will be a strong connection, the users wouldn't hesitate in downloading your application. 2. The application must have an attractive heading, title and description that can grab the attention of iPhone users. The developer should use those words that best defines the functionality and purpose of the app. 3. They can incorporate relevant videos and images with the description to ensure that the important information is not left out by the potential users. 4. The developer must ensure that the app is in accordance with the guidelines of iTunes store before its submission. Once it goes on the iTunes store and has an attractive description, it automatically increases its chances of higher downloads.

Every newly launched mobile development solution requires promotion for higher success rate. However, if the developer has worked sincerely on the applications' functionality and presentation, it will multiply the chances of higher acceptance in the competitive environment.

Once you are sure that the application has an attractive charm and impressive features, you can plan out an effective marketing strategy to promote it. You can also use social media platforms to create a social connection with the end users to generate interest among like-minded people.

If you have similar requirement to develop an app for iPhone, you can also contact a mobile application development company for hiring experienced iPhone application developers.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

3 Things to Remember About PLR

I'm sure you've heard about Private Label Rights (PLR) content. People have been promoting it as a quick and easy way to build information products and make lots of money.

But you may have also heard that PLR is just crap. Or that it's cheating somehow.

The truth is actually somewhere in the middle.

I have 3 things that I want you to remember about PLR.

It Is Ethical

That's right - you can use PLR without any problems... provided that you stick to some important rules:

Abide strictly by the terms that you are given with the content. Don't use it where it isn't welcome (such as article directories). Don't make any claims about it that are not true.

Private labelling is not new. Internet marketing did not create this concept.

You have probably bought no name branded products at your grocery store (or at least seen them on the shelves). You know that the grocery chain doesn't have a food processing plant out there.

They've taken products from another company and put their own label on them. Perfectly legal. Perfectly ethical.

And it happens in all kinds of industries.

So you can rest assured that your use of PLR is okay too. Just don't make any false claims about it or use it in a way that violates anyone's terms of use.

Most of it Is Crap

I hate to say it, but most of the PLR that is available is crap. Poorly written. Sometimes even spun - yuck!

But that doesn't mean that all of it is bad. There is great PLR out there. You do have to look for it though. You'll have to pay for it too.

When you're looking for good quality PLR there are a few things you need to look for.

It is usually paid for although some PLR dealers will offer free samples. Look for dealers who limit the quantities they sell. Unlimited distribution means more people with the same content. When you find a good PLR dealer, stick with them and learn who their friends are. You'll find other great PLR that way too. Many PLR dealers will take requests, so ask for what you need.

As for the crappy PLR, you can find tons of the stuff given away as list building freebies. It will clog up your hard drive pretty quick too.

But just because it is poorly written doesn't mean it is completely useless. You can often find inspiration and ideas for writing your own articles based on it.

Make it Your Own

The final piece of advice I'd like to leave you is to personalize the PLR before you use it.

PLR is intended to be a generic base for your content. Take it and mold it into the shape you need.

Give it your voice. Add to it, take parts out, combine it.

The beauty of PLR is that you can do just about anything with it in terms of creating content.

Take a series of related articles and create a report to give to your clients or email list. Use the text to create a video for YouTube. Break a PLR report into simple lessons for an email course. The options are endless.

Just remember that even though you can use PLR just the way you get it, that isn't the best way to use it.


I hope that you have a little better understanding of what Private Label Rights content can do for you, when used properly.

It isn't for everyone. You may decide that PLR isn't right for you. Just remember these 3 tips when you make the decision.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Whodunit, or Whydunit? What to Call Your Product

For years, crime mysteries were referred to as "whodunits." That was because the puzzle was in trying to discover who was responsible for the crime, usually a murder, before the author wrote the denoument - the clever explanation at the end in which all was revealed.

In recent years, however, the motive for the crime in these stories has become the emphasis. No longer "whodunits," they've become "whydunits." What does this have to do with what you should call your product?

Product names are a mystery in themselves. Before the Internet, all manner of methods were used to give a product a name. One-word phoenetic spellings became the rage, as did products named after their creators. Other names were shorthand combinations of their ingredients, and still others were made-up names. Customers found the products by visiting the local store or supermarket where the displays attracted potential buyers.

In the online world, however, few businesses have this luxury. Instead, they have to help prospects to find them by other means. Probably the best known way is the search engines.

When URLs were first created, there was a character-limit on how long you could make them, which is why that older sites tend to have shorter domain names.

Nowadays, you can have a domain name that's about as long as you want to make it. So, there's no reason why you can't create a meaningful name for your product. Just don't get too carried away.

That means that you have the flexibility to give your product a name that will communicate more than just its moniker. You can also include a short description, too. In other words, the name you give it can give your customer some knowledge of what it actually does. And that will make it more memorable.

For example, instead calling your product "Product Creator" you could call it "How to Create Your Best Products," and then probably register that phrase all as one word, or hyphenated between words to host it.

Product names that explain what the product does give their creators greater scope for obtaining suffix, too. And far from being an obstacle, this is actually a bonus, because it puts that domain name at the top of a search.

In other words, because people search on phrases, also known as long-tail key words, instead of single words, the longer domain names together with their product names makes a number one ranking much more likely.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Simple Steps to Success When Creating an Interview Product

One of the easiest ways to create an audio product is to interview an expert. You've invited the expert, prepared the set of questions, and now it's time for the interview itself! Whether you're doing it in person (with them sitting across from you) or remotely (via telephone, Skype or video), here are some tips for making sure it works effectively.

This can be a bit daunting at first - both for you and the expert being interviewed - but you will get better the more often you do it.

Before the interview

Well before the interview, explain to your guest the purpose of the interview and the typical listener. Prepare a list of questions, and send it to the guest, so they can make suggestions and corrections. Be sure you know their name, organization name, job title, and anything else they would like you to use to introduce them. If they have an unusual name, check the pronunciation carefully. You should have already agreed on the time, date, technology and venue. But contact your guest a day or two before the interview, confirming the time and date, and asking whether they have any final questions about the process.

Test your recording equipment, matching the interview environment as closely as possible. For example, if you're using a hand-held recorder with two lapel microphones, test the recorder batteries and both microphones. Print two copies of the questions, one for yourself and one for the guest (in case they forget).

Set up the environment

Have a glass of water, list of questions and a pen handy. If you're meeting face to face, make sure the guest has the same. Take your telephones off the hook, and close any doors and windows. Connect the recording equipment, including your microphones, as soon as possible, even before you're ready to start the formal recording. This gives you a chance to check your seating positions, length of microphone cords, and so on. Start recording as a sound check.

Explain to the guest how the process will work - in particular:

Instruct them to ignore the microphone and recording equipment; just act as if it is a normal conversation. Explain that it will be edited later, so they can stop if they get stuck and start their response again. Explain that you will keep track of time.

Review the list of questions briefly, and ask whether they would like any last-minute changes. Then stop the recording and listen to it. Ensure that both parties are recorded, the recording is clear, and they are both speaking at a similar volume.

Conduct the interview

When you're ready, conduct the interview, broadly following the question list.

Some things to keep in mind:

In a face-to-face interview, when the guest is giving a long answer, nod and maintain eye contact, but don't interject, even with "uh huh" or "yes". If they make a detailed point, it might be worth summarising it at the end, and asking them to confirm that your summary is correct. If they get too theoretical (which can sometimes happen because they are experts), bring this back to reality with a question like, "So if you were to apply that to [a particular situation], how would that work?" Listen for jargon and other language that the listener might not understand, and ask the guest to clarify it. If either of you starts going off on an irrelevant tangent, just stop the conversation and re-start it. It's not necessary to stop the recording, because you will edit this out later. Keep an eye on the time, and make sure that you cover all the essential points.

Wrap up

When the interview is complete, stop the recording. Ask the guest whether there is anything important that was not said. If so, start the recording again and record that point. Check that you introduced the guest properly, and remembered to ask for their contact information at the end of the program. If you didn't, re-record those sections now.

Keep in mind that it's better to do all the recording in a single session than to try reproducing the exact same environment to record any material later. So if you did miss anything, simply record it now - even if it needs to be moved later during editing.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Is My Information Product Good Enough?

One question I hear repeatedly when people are trying to build their own information marketing business, which means to write a book, write a report, and create videos, they experience a confidence problem. They worry if their information product is good enough for someone to pay $100 or higher, or for someone to pay $50 per month or more in order to gain access to this information.

These people might be guitar instructors, language instructors, real estate instructors, self-help promoters, and there are a few easy metrics to look at to decide if your information product is good enough.

First of all let the market decide and see if they buy your product, which seems kind of backwards, but I will explain in a minute. Also, look at what your competitors are teaching and simply do a better job marketing and teaching your product than your competitors and put together an unbeatable offer that someone would, for lack of better term - be stupid not to accept.

This seems kind of backwards, but if you're worried about your information product not selling, what you need to do is finish that information product, get it out there, get some traffic, get affiliates, get people to look at the offer and then look at your web page scientifically. Look at your sales letter so you can honestly say that after getting thousands of clicks to your website, your sales letter is converting at less than 1%, and no one is buying it or now I have to market it a little bit differently.

Many times I will put a product out in a product launch, it won't sell and I will have to go back to that traffic, or ask my subscribers what they need help with. Many times we make a product because it will be fun and not because we are actually helping people.

For example, if you created a report with a lot of dieting tips, is that really helpful or would it be better to create a 30-day course on how to lose 30 pounds by only exercising five minutes per day. That is a real problem that someone needs help with, but you need to put out your product as is for now to figure out if people buy it or not and then you might need to change the marketing or change the contents of that report slightly.

In order to save yourself a lot of time and aggravation also look at what your competitors are teaching. If you want to sell a course on guitar instruction, how does everyone else position guitar instruction? Do most of your competitors sell into recurring membership sites, are these single payment products, written reports with pictures, videos, do they present guitar playing as something that is fun or do they try to market it as a skill that someone might need for a performance?

Look at all these factors, look at the kind of product, how they market it, what's in the product, and the price point so you can figure out if you need to price high or low. And now all you really have to do is simply do a better job teaching and marketing than your competitor. Sure you might charge a slightly higher price, but maybe you can throw in some additional training or better training or better tools and templates to help people get the job done.

One thing I have found is that many information marketers will sell several small reports or several small pieces, but what if you were the person to sell the big giant course that solved all their problems in one place. So if you're worried if your information product is not good enough, then let the market decide, examine what your competitors are teaching and create an unbeatable offer that everyone in that niche will want.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Hiring Top iPad Application Developers for Exclusive Solutions

The stylish design and unique features of an iPad has attracted many technology geeks to make it a part of their daily routine. The iPad is capable to provide results of all sorts of user requirements with ease. All this functionality in this small and sleek mobile device has become possible because of the applications. The wide variety of iPad applications has made it easier for people to search a lot of information and stay connected with their peer groups on their small device without putting much effort.

The reach of this magical device is not limited to certain set of people but is too vast to define it. This gave iPad an entry to the business world. The iPad applications has become an important part in business strategies where business applications, advertisements, game application solutions and other entertainment solutions are developed to help businesses reach out a wider audience.

All this has become possible with the support of iPad app developers. The iPad development companies are hiring top iPad application developers who have the caliber and potential to develop something unique for the target market. The developers are making the most effective use of Objective C technology to develop robust and scalable iPad applications.

The secret of exclusivity in the iPad app development solutions is because of smart minds and experienced iPad app developers. The iPad experts and best iPad app developers blend their fresh and unique approach together to design and develop a solution that can become the talking point in the industry.

With many iPad development companies available, there is no difficulty in finding the one that can meet your specific business goals. However, a little research is always essential that can assure you about the end-results. Once you have made the selection, you only need to make few important decisions such as choosing the right engagement delivery model, setting out your budget, planning out the entire development process and prioritizing your main requirements first in the list.

If you have the right plan of action with the right support, your investment in iPad applications will definitely reap you benefits. Before you make a call to any iPad application developer, you must identify your business needs in advance so that you can decide the right type of iPad application for your business. A well-thought development plan will make your path easy to take your business to a new level.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

How To Price Your Digital Information Product

When you create a report or a video to sell online, the second question you worry about is what should I charge for this training that I have just created or plan to create. If I'm teaching someone how to repair all kinds of items within their home - is that something that someone will pay $10 for or $100 for?

If I'm showing someone how to create graphics using Adobe Photoshop, is that the kind of training where I should only charge $5 or should I charge in the thousands of dollars?

Now there are three factors in determining what to price your information product. Look at the price resistance, then price slightly higher than the competition, and finally examine what amount of value someone can get once they purchase and consume your information product.

I know that it's tempting to give away all of your knowledge for free, or give it away for one dollar or five dollars or ten dollars, but there are people out there willing to pay good money for good information.

I have sold many-many $10, $20, $30, even thousand dollar courses on how to program web pages, on how to write compelling sales letters for web pages, and many other topics. Every time that I price too low, I knew it. Every time someone would buy from me without even thinking. If I sent out a promotion or someone landed on my web page and bought in just a few seconds, I know that I priced too low.

What happens is, many people will spend weeks and weeks creating the perfect training course, and then only sell it for $5, and the reason is because people will buy based on it just being $5, not based on what it is that they have to gain from this product.

I want to tell you about something called price resistance, and that means that what you want someone to do is come to your web page, look at your price and then not be sure if they are ready to buy or not, examine your offer, examine what it is you're selling and based on that they will buy.

It seems kind of silly, but in the long run - you'll make more money. You might make slightly less sales but you'll make more profits because you priced at a higher price.

The next thing I want to tell you about is to price slightly higher than your competitors. The average person selling any kind of information online or marketing online has a confidence problem. They can only bring themselves to charge a few dollars for that thing they're selling.

What ends up happening is in comparison you will look better if in every single way somebody compares themselves to you, and the only difference is that you charge higher prices, then the perception is that you are worth more money. So look at what all of your competitors are charging, maybe even average out that price and then charge a slightly higher price.

And the final thing to look at, what overcoming fear of price, is to look at how much more value someone can get before and after they buy your course, before they buy your product.

I'll give you an example, if you have a product out there, even a short report that can show someone how to save a thousand dollars on their taxes this year, then how much is that worth? Well it's worth over a thousand dollars. If someone uses that report, they'll save a thousand dollars in taxes every single year after buying it. And so if you charge $500, $100, even $50 would be a bargain because the value they get out is much higher than what they paid.

Now sure, it might not have taken you a lot of time to create it, it might not have cost you a lot of money to deliver that product, but what you need to look at is the value someone gets after buying from you.

When selling a digital information product, you want price resistance. You want to charge slightly higher than your competitors, because you are selling based on the discounted value, discounted price they get from buying from you, and that is all that really matters is that you're solving their problems at a discount.

5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Why Outsourcing Product Development Is Important?

With increasing use of software solutions, the businesses are developing new software products that can streamline their business activities for higher output. However, the limited skill-set and infrastructure restricts them to develop new software programs themselves. Moreover, the slow economy and higher business expense is forcing businesses to look for alternatives that can reduce the overall product development costs.

While outsourcing is a great option, businesses consider this option for hiring experienced workers who are competent to perform the tasks well on time. Most of the time, it is recommended to work with companies located at developing countries who are willing to work at affordable costs to deliver quality solutions.

It will be worth to discuss the need to outsource product development for businesses of any size and strength. Some of the main reasons are mentioned below:

1. Experience In Developing Variety Of Products 2. Reduces Risks by using their Extensive Expertise 3. A Team Of Talented Developers to Work Collaboratively 4. Timely Delivery of Development Solutions 5. Bugs-free Solutions 6. Ensure Cost-efficiency Throughout the Development Process 7. Creates an Effective Communication Channel with Clients

There are adequate options available to choose a reliable and experienced offshore product development company. They are happy to take outsourcing product development projects to help global businesses give tough competition to their rivals.

Many businesses have also realized the need to outsource their development needs. They preferably ask for those offshore development firms that have relevant experience in fulfilling outsourcing needs successfully. They take reference from the case studies available on their website or read testimonials to know about their outsourcing clients' experience with them. Moreover, they interact with developers and consultants to understand their approach in making the product effective and successful.

The outsourced product development projects will result into saving a lot of costs without compromising with the quality factors. Moreover, the entrepreneurs will be able to focus more on their core business areas efficiently. They will not have to worry about the outcome of development projects and regular project progress updates will keep the main control of the project in their hands.

If you feel that outsourcing is a helpful option for your business to improve its productivity, you can consider contacting a good outsourcing development company. The development firm will listen to your requirements in detail so that they can develop an effective strategy to accomplish the project within time and budget.

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3 Categories of Products for Your Online Business

Product creation is perhaps the most daunting thing that a novice faces who wants to have an online business. And that's understandable. There's a paucity of good information about how to do it. And few people really understand how to do it, never mind explain to anyone else.

To a certain extent, creating an information product is similar to creating a course for university students. You have to understand your purpose, and you must also see in you mind's eye the parts and their interrelationships.

If you've never done that, then you will probably struggle, and you may not even know where to start. In this article, I want to help you to think about how to create your own online products.

Here are three categories of products that you can create:

1. One-dimension products

Products with one dimension are the easiest to create, but also of the lowest value to customers and, therefore, command the lowest price. In fact, quite often, they're free.

They solve one problem that can be explained through a series of steps. Each step must be completed in sequence. That means that you can't complete Step 5 before you do Step 4.

One-dimensional products often take the form of a report or short eBook.

2. Two-dimension products

Products in two dimension are more complicated than those with only one. They give a bit more value to customers, and as a result are more expensive to buy.

They are created for the purpose. That means that they are much more than a combination of two products, each with a single dimension. Two products, each of which has one-dimension, are still two products.

Two-dimensional products have one theme, but many applications that extend from it.

It's construction can be likened to that of a bicycle wheel. The hub is the central theme, and the spokes are the various applications. Think of the saying that "All roads lead to Rome." That city is the hub.

3. Three-dimension products

3-D products are the most complicated, solve very difficult problems, and cost the most to buy.

A good example is "How to Start Your Own Online Business."

A 1-D product you simply tell you what the parts were; that is, what you needed to have in order for it to work.

A 2-D product would explain how all of the parts worked together.

But, a 3-D product would show you how to make it happen.

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Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products

You don't have to create new material for all your audio products. There are many places where you can find existing material and convert that into audio form. Even if your listeners recognize the material from elsewhere, they generally won't mind - and some will even appreciate you taking the time and trouble to convert it into audio form for them.

Just one word of warning: Be careful not to use any copyrighted material. If it's your original material, of course you can use it. But if it's somebody else's material, be sure you have explicit permission from the copyright owner to use it in this way. For example, just because somebody has given you permission to reprint an article, this does not automatically give you permission to read the article out loud and record it.


If you write articles for a newsletter, blog or a magazine column, read the articles out loud and record this as an audio clip.

It takes some practice to get this right (so it doesn't sound like you're just reading), so be familiar with the material, practice a few times if necessary, and change the words to be more conversational.


If you conduct teleseminars, record them and publish the recording. Most teleseminar services include a recording option (sometimes available as an optional paid extra, but even then it's fairly inexpensive), and this is usually very easy to use (for example, you just click one button, or sometimes the recording is even automatic).

If other participants on the teleseminar could be speaking, announce beforehand that you'll be recording the call. For example, you could say this clearly on the registration page, and make it a condition of them attending that they allow you to record it.


If you conduct webinars, you can record them and extract the audio.

However, you do need to be careful with using the audio from webinars. A good webinar should combine both audio and video, and a well-designed webinar should need the visuals to make sense. So if the listener is able to make sense of the content from the audio alone, it probably means the webinar was poorly designed!

However, some webinars do lend themselves to a less visual presentation - for example, interviews, panel discussions and facilitated meetings - and in those cases, providing the audio alone is useful.

CD extracts

If you have already created CD products, you can also provide them in downloadable form.

There is free and low-cost software to extract the tracks from the CD (this is known as "ripping" the CD, which sounds negative, but is acceptable if it's your own material). Save or convert these into MP3 format, and then publish them online.


If you're a speaker, trainer or other presenter, record your presentations and use the recording to create audio products.

This generally does involve some work, because the raw audio recording is probably not good enough for publishing as a product. For example, you might want to edit it to be shorter, remove "dead air" times (for example, when the attendees are doing exercises), and add your own introduction and close to the product. However, the raw material is available, and that's the bulk of the work.

Consulting sessions

Similarly, if you are a coach, mentor or consultant, record your sessions (with your client's permission, of course!) and send them a CD or download for future reference.

Audio books

If you're an author, read your book out loud to convert it into an audiobook. Many people don't have time to read, but would be happy to listen to your book in their car, while exercising, or at other times when they are multi-tasking.

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